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Uniform Server does not create a diskw


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Hi, I'm completely new to US, any help is appreciated (or point me in the right direction).



- XP SP3

- US 7.1.8-Orion

- AVG Anti-Virus


I just downloaded and installed Uniform Server just fine on my c drive (C:\myserver\UniServer\ ...). I used the UService icon to start up Apache & MySQL, updated my router, etc. so I can access a web page from the outside. I can ping localhost /


My issue occurred when I tried to install SlimFTPd (and I assume that I will have this with other plug-ins). US did not seem to create a drive W when I "installed" it, and when I go to install I am asked to place the start_slimftpd.bat file in the directory with the "start.bat" file. Well I don't have a start.bat file anywhere in my implementation of US. There is a "start_server.bat file in the alternative_control directory, but placing the bat in there gives me a message of "windows cannot find diskw/home/admin/program/uniserv.exe". And BTW, uniserv.exe is located in C:\myserver\UniServer\unicon\main and C:\myserver\UniServer\unicon\program directories in my installation.


Any thoughts? Do I need to create a diskw? and if so, how do I do it?

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The Uniform Server stopped using disk W: as a default action with version 5-Nano.

SlimFTPd was designed to work with 3.5-Apollo and 4-Mona.

Since then, the FileZilla Server is the preferred solution. Look at http://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver...Zilla%20Server/ and select the 1.2 version. While it needs a bit of an update, it functions well.


For detailed information on setting up FileZilla Server, look at the Wiki pages starting with http://wiki.uniformserver.com/index.php/Fi...3:_Introduction.


If you still want to make use of disk W:, look at your \UniServer\alternative_control directory for run_on_drive_w.txt, which tells how.



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