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Feature Request on Start/Stop Sevice Indicator


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, this was exactly my same thinking after two minutes of uniserver usage! All looks really good, much slicker and seems more intelligently built than others - however it really needs some indicators if the servers are running or not! I suggest two little LED-style icons in the tray. If not that fancy, doesn´t matter, anything making it possible to see with one glance server status would be great to have!


As an advanced feature any kind of simple server monitoring with sending of emails / restarting would be great - does not need to be a fullscale nagios :)


BTW what is the right way to post feature requests here?




Have a nice day,


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The new Coral-8 series implements indicators as requested. (Public beta to be released end of this month)


Email monitoring is partially addressed in the above.


“BTW what is the right way to post feature requests here?”

Post in this forum any suggestions and ideas will be considered for future development.


All the best

Ric :)

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