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uniform server index.php page


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hi, how do i disable the index.php page so people from outside don't get to view this index.php page.

for example if my website is www.jeret.com/index.php (uniserver).


i don't want people from outside view this page, this page should only be viewed by me internally. if i change

or rename this page would that work?


please help... :rolleyes:

Jeret Christopher WEB DESIGNER
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jeret I deleted it from the www folder and then realized that I couldn't access phpmyadmin myself. Lucky I had the files UniServer on my desktop and could copy them and paste them back to my Thumb drive servers file www. I'm not sure that my circumstances equal yours as I'm in development stage and not prduction? I'm guessing your setting up to go online and need to reed up on allowing access to the index.html without login over the internet/web. I'll have to do the same shortly. Right now access to phpmyadmin is more important so I access the servers first then open another tab and type in http://localhost/index.html which I expediate by copying the server tab input and paste into the newtab input, alter then hit go. Luckily the link change only has to be done once because a drop down list of history in the new tab should appear as soon as you enter the pasted info and backspace, then select http://localhost/index.html and the index page appears in that tab. You should be able to get more info from the UniServer Team link on the page your trying to delete.

I don't believe that once published any body who types in your site address ie. www.my.com sees anything other than the index.html address for that page so I believe you are right and would have to change the name of the server file page to prevent would be hackers getting access to the login in the first place. This is an issue beyond my current knowledge and needs a response from UniServer Team member.

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Apache looks for index files in this order:

index.html index.shtml index.html.var index.htm index.php3 index.php index.pl index.cgi

and displays the first one it finds otherwise displays a folder listing.


You can delete index.php from folder www and replace it with your own. Generally speaking all websites have at least one index page of the type mentioned above.


Heinz Stapff:

To access phpmyadmin you can use button provided on the tray menu.

Or from browser type http://localhost/apanel/phpmyadmin/

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