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weblink point to internal IP


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hi, i have a question,, how do i make a website link pointing it to another computer ip i have in a same network.

Example i have this link|jeret|which is pointing to another computer(:rolleyes: in the same network, which than will open whatever file i have set in this computer(:)...any file means like ...html, pdf ... etc


thank you :)

Jeret Christopher WEB DESIGNER
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  • 5 months later...

I'm not sure I understand your exact intent. Let me see if I decode this right:

All computers are on the same net, e.g, 192.168.20.xxx

Link on machine A points to file on machine B, which in turn executes a URI (http://example.com/whatever.html)

So what you're asking is how to create a link on a web page that does this?


Not clear....




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