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Traycontroller useless on Windows 7 64 bit


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Seems Tray Controler (or whatever it is named :rolleyes: is sort of useless on my setup (Windows 7, 64 bit). It starts, shows up in tray and in general works, but it can't start/install any service. I tried running it as Admin or with XP compatibility set but no difference spotted. So for now, I have to manually lurk into i.e. <path>\usr\local\mysql\bin and start mysqld-opt.exe (same for Apache: <path>\usr\local\apache2\bin\Apache.exe) and it seems to work, but that annoying. Nothing was in i.e. apache logs, but it definitely because no apache/mysql was even started (as on 1st start windows' firewall would pop up and that did not happened unless I fired them up by hand). Is it a known issue?

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I am trying to narrow the culprit and I came to a_diagnostic folder. Runinng 5_Start_Services.bat fails around:


..\usr\local\mysql\bin\mysqld-opt.exe --install MySQLS1

net start MySQLS1

for the first time and I see as follow:

Install/Remove of the Service Denied!

Service name invalid.


More information available in Help: type NET HELPMSG 2185 to read it.

First line is in English, 2nd is in my lanugage (I translated it so your system's output may vary here) - I suspect 1st come from US' tool while 2nd from the OS' tool.


Simuilar problems when trying to start Apache:


Installing the ApacheS1 service

(OS 5)Access denied. : Failed to open WinNT service manager

Service name invalid.


More information available in Help: type NET HELPMSG 2185 to read it.


Hope this helps.

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You can only run it as a program and have to right click or left click the tray icon to see the difference. If you are runing the servers from a USB/THUMB drive on WIN XP. If you run the servers from a harddrive folder like C:/UniServer then you have to set up the folder so that it has no file path spaces like WIN XP has e.g. C:/My Documents and Settings contains spaces between the words. Most of this is written in the UniServer/Docs folder though some what abstract. Read all of the .txt files and you might get it. When run as Services they run on a virtual drive created on C: Normally called W: I think and the virtual drive only exists while the servers are runing. :rolleyes:

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The virtual drive W: was a standard part of The Uniform Server ONLY in 4-Mona series and earlier. While you can still set it up as an option, it is NOT germane to this problem.



The real difficulty is with service installation. While this is rather trivial in WinXP, it's much more complex in Vista and Win7, and even more so with 64 bit systems.

The key problem seems to be WAITING for the sysWOW and winsxs procedures to complete. These are all done "transparently" by the OS, but it isn't instantaneous. Thus, the built-in delay times aren't long enough the first run, and users may also interfere before everything is ready. I found this to be especially true for MySQL. However, once you get the processes properly installed, everything works just fine.


In any case, I have found that it will install the services properly with only one change. For \UniServer\Start.exe, in Properties>Compatibility, click on "Change settings for all users", and then ONLY check the "Run this program as an administrator" box. No more fiddling needed.




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Thanks BobS - I've tried starting as administartor but ommited "change settings for all users" which seem fundamental. Anyway, this partially does the trick - it starts services so I no longer need to manually fire them up. It still can't stop them, but that less important (and I can always kill them by hand). But when I tried "Server Status" from tray menu, I got "Apache run status: not running" and "Apache install status: undefined!" even it's up and running (same for mysqld) and port status lists "undefined!" for all the entries.


Anyway, I'd love to revert back to Mona, but it is not working on my setup at all. BobS - do you got any hint to make 4.5a running on Windows 7/64 bit? This is simply version I like most :rolleyes:

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Yeah, thanks for that to, I don't have the need to run as a Service though I did run it that way the first time I setup Uniserver 3 or four versions ago. I'm wondering if I'll have to use that tidbit some time soon?

In any case, I have found that it will install the services properly with only one change. For \UniServer\Start.exe, in Properties>Compatibility, click on "Change settings for all users", and then ONLY check the "Run this program as an administrator" box. No more fiddling needed


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