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The Uniform Server Community

Website Revamped


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The Website will be under serious integration. The plan for the website is to integrate with everything we can. Currently we will be integrating the website with the forum and also the Beta Center which is currently 15% and still in development.


Updatess will be reported here. We may however be integrating the website bit by bit so you will have to check it for changes and updates.


Thanks :D


PS: As you may have seen there is a Google Ad on the website which is from our host. It has been placed there by them since that is what they ask for in turn of free hosting and bandwidth.

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I have added some things like Login, Logout, and also a small Member Page which is still under construction.


Probablility is that the Beta Center will be integrated with the website meaning the same layout and everything so watch out. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fixed the bug with the Login & Logout system :D and also made modifications to the website like a highlighted Download (Version) Now link for users to see.


Updated the information also....


Now going to bed :)

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