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Can I Install Apache on top of a Winxp32 IIS 5.1 server thats already running successfully

Barry G. Sumpter

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Hi all,


I've already got a Win XP 32 bit IIS 5.1 server running successfully.


I have a first release database server called LiveCode Server that runs under Apache.


For this situation the Uniform Server has been highly recommended

by one of my fellow LiveCode developers.


The installation of Uniform Server and Apache is one step in a long process.


It's not my plan at this time to become an Apache expert.

Nor attempt to answer queries regarding Apache.

(both could change at a moments notices if it needs be)


I'd like to take a minimalistic approach to getting Apache setup and running

as simply, easily, and quickly as possible so I can get started with the LiveCode Server.


I've already downloaded and extract the Uniform Server and have run the diagnostics that tell my port 80 and 443 are already being used.


I was haveinga look thru to see if I could find a simple interface that would allow me to change the Apache ports to somethings else but got lost.


Lost quick enough to think better.

And thought it best to go ahead and post a query here.


Am I jumping into the deep end for this situation?

And positive constructive suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Is there an interface to change ports for Apache? (I'll keep looking).


Thanks heaps in advance and all my best,

Barry G. Sumpter

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To get IIS and Uniform Server to run at the same time

you can use the Move Server function in UServer:


1. Extract Uniform Server


2. move the extracted file to wherever you want them.


3. Execute Run_pre_check.exe


4. if Run_pre_check.exe reports the ports are being used -

a. Execute Start.exe

b. Right Click the USrever icon in the system tray (blue square with a 1)

c. Advanced | Move Server multiserver operation

d. just accept all changes to change all the ports for Uniform Server and all the names.

---- this operation is designed to allow us to run more than one Uniform Server at a time - pretty freakin smart


5. Right click the UServer Icon in the system try (blue square now with a 2)


6. Select Install and Run all Services - or individually as SparkOut mentioned.


7. now web browse to: localhost:81

------ where port 81 is now the NEW wwwRoot for Uniform Server


8. now web browse to simply: localhost

------ defaults to port 80 and IIS wwwRoot


For me it was easier changin UServer Ports since I already have IIS 5.1 up and running and being used actively.



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