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UniServer Orion 7.1.0 to 7.1.2 - How to Upgrade?


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Quick answer: No


Sorry, one of the problems with auto-update is that there are many customizations that cannot be anticipated.

On the other hand, you know best what you have done to your installation.


I suppose there could be a procedure created to do the update, but I don't think anyone has tried to design this feature yet.


I use TreeComp to compare two directories and merge the files as required, but it's NOT a push button affair.




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  • 1 month later...

I am using other package and is now revising US and planning to switch to it. But, same as above, if there is no efficient and effective (and at least some extent of gaurantee) method of migration of data and configuration, it will cause lot of trouble.


By the way, would it be a suggestion to include a "plan/procedure" of upgrade in each release?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Winmerge is a great program that can make performing a manual upgrade of settings and files between server versions significantly less time consuming. Here's the main steps of the routine I go through whenever I update my UniServer installation to a newer version and need to maintain configuration settings and my site files/database tables:

  1. Assuming your old UniServer installation is currently running, open up phpMyAdmin, open the 'mysql' database, and export the user table with 'If not exists' checked under 'Create table options' and REPLACE set as the 'Function to use when dumping data'. You'll be importing this into the new mysql database later. If you're updating from 7.1.0 to 7.1.2, you should be able to do the same steps to copy-over rows from the 'event' and 'func' tables, though I've had weird issues with the 'func' table in the past, and I typically just do 'SHOW CREATE EVENT', copy those queries, and re-run them on for the new server install. In any event, we'll be backing up the new UniServer installation's mysql database in case anything weird happens.
  2. Stop and uninstall the Apache and MySQL services installed by your current (old) UniServer version. Don't trust that the UniServer program has done this successfully - open up the list of Services and double-check to make sure they've been removed. If either service is still there, follow the directions outlined here to remove them.
  3. Add '_old' to the name of your current (7.1.0) server directory (if it was 'UniServer', it would now be 'UniServer_old'). Next, create a new (empty) folder, give it the same name as the root directory for your old server installation (before adding '_old'), and finally unzip the new UniServer files into that directory.
  4. For any subsequent steps that involve moving folders and files from the '..._old' directory to the new UniServer directory, make sure you're copy/pasting them and not simply dragging and dropping them (which in most situations is equivalent to doing a cut/paste). Basically, in the event of a major screw-up or a rapidly approaching deadline, you want to have it so the only steps you need to do to restore the old UniServer installation (and your site) to working order are (1) stop and uninstall/delete the new installation's services (if you installed them) (2) temporarily rename the new UniServer's root folder (3) remove the '_old' suffix from the old installation's folder name (3) run the old UniServer's Start.exe -> and then install and run services.
  5. Copy your site's folders/files from '*_old/www/' to the www directory in the new Uniserver installation. Don't copy over any of the files or folders that come with the UniServer installation. If you've made edits to those files which you need to move to the new server install, you'll probably want to use WinMerge to safely transfer whatever edits or additions you made to the new server installation.
  6. Go to '*_old/usr/local' and copy-paste your old httpd.conf, php.ini and my.ini configuration files to the desktop. Add an '_old' suffix to the filename of each.
  7. Go to 'root/usr/local/...' in the new UniServer installation and create back-up copies of the same three config files. Then, copy-paste those three config files to the desktop (so, on your desktop you would now have 'php_old.ini' and 'php.ini', 'my_old.ini' and 'my.ini', etc). For each configuration file pair, select the old and new files, open up the right-click menu and click WinMerge. WinMerge will open and load the the old and new config files you selected. Using WinMerge, copy over any specific settings from the old config files to the new. When you're done, copy the modified config files back to their respective directories (apache, php or mysql). At this point you should have (for each of those three directories) a modified config file (copied from the desktop) and the copies you made of the unmodified config files which came with the server package. If anything weird happens, it's a simple matter to run WinMerge on the copies and the modified config files to determine if a config setting is to blame.
  8. Go to '*_old/usr/local/mysql/data' and select/copy the database directories used for your site, and paste them into the data directory in the new UniServer directory. Do not copy paste mysql, whatever_schema, or phpmyadmin. Do not copy any of the InnoDB-related files in .../mysql/data/', or the mysql.pid file.
  9. Run the new UniServer install's 'Start' executable, and then do 'Install and Run all Services'.
  10. Open up the UniServer admin panel, and check the settings for each page under 'Configurations'. Some of the settings will have been copied over by previous steps, but others won't. I usually only need to set the MySQL password at this point.
  11. Open up phpMyAdmin and do an export of the new UniServer's mysql database. This is simply so you can restore it in case things get weird while you're trying to import stuff from your old UniServer's mysql database.
  12. Import the user-table using the .sql file you exported earlier from your old UniServer installation. (also import 'event' and 'func' now, if you decided to export them earlier). To make sure table rows from your the old mysql database have been imported correctly into the new one, you should do 'Check table' for 'user' (and 'event'/'func' if needed), and then run 'Repair table' if any errors show up.
  13. Next, do 'Check table' and 'Repair table' on each of the tables in your site-specific database(s) (which were moved to the new UniServer install in step 8). After that, you should then do analyze/optimize on your site-specific database tables to get indexes/cardinality business back to where it should be.

Those steps will usually do the trick. Some potential headaches are:

  • If you run into 403 errors right off the bat, first open up your modified httpd.conf file and the copy you made of the unmodified version in WinMerge, and make sure you haven't overlooked anything there. Next, you can try running WinMerge on the whole old and new UniServer directories, and check for any .htaccess files which may need to be copied over (or WinMerge-ed) into the new UniServer installation. (this might also entail running WinMerge to compare the old and new 'htpasswd' directories).
  • PHP extensions that worked beautifully on your old UniServer install can get weird when copied directly from the old server to the new. If you run into problems there, it's often a simple case of looking around the internets for more recent builds of the extension in question which are compatible with your version of PHP and whatever variety of Windows you're running.
  • You may have set specific values in some of the configuration .php files that are in the 'root/home/admin/www' directory and its sub-directories (I have a handful of these for phpMyAdmin). If so, you'll need to poke around (if your memory is good) or use WinMerge to track down and copy the relevant lines of code from the old files to the new.
  • The steps above that deal with the database will be sufficient in most cases, but you may very well run into weird behavior and errors. If you do, searching Stack Overflow and Server Fault will usually yield enough info to guide you in the right direction. Remember to export backups of any important tables before importing rows from the old UniServer installation. If you really screw things up, you can delete the entire '.../mysql/data' directory and replace it with the (unmodified) data directory as it is from the 7.1.2 (or 7.1.7) UniServer archive you downloaded. You'll need to restart MySQL in this situation.

That might seem like alot of steps/work, however each step takes very little time (with the exception of copying over files and making backups, if your site is big).

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The upgrade would assume that the Apache config, PhP.ini or any other configs or ini files would be preserved. I would think most would be wanting to preserver setting files. If this is true, how would you upgrade?

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[*]Assuming your old UniServer installation is currently running, open up phpMyAdmin, open the 'mysql' database, and export the user table with 'If not exists' checked under 'Create table options' and REPLACE set as the 'Function to use when dumping data'. You'll be importing this into the new mysql database later. If you're updating from 7.1.0 to 7.1.2, you should be able to do the same steps to copy-over rows from the 'event' and 'func' tables, though I've had weird issues with the 'func' table in the past, and I typically just do 'SHOW CREATE EVENT', copy those queries, and re-run them on for the new server install.


I am updating from 7.1.0.


Trying to follow your instructions, but need more information please. (Sorry for my beginner questions).


As per the attached picture, the User table is selected and I see the Export button. BUT...


I don't know where 'Create table options' is, unless you mean the Create table button on the bottom left. In any case I don't see where to check 'If not exists'.


Also, can you explain what is meant by: REPLACE set as the 'Function to use when dumping data'


Finally for the 'func' table you say: I typically just do 'SHOW CREATE EVENT', copy those queries, and re-run them on for the new server install. Could you explain that please.




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Hi all,


For upgrade package, see here -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoofoo/fil...ion_officielle/


That really looks great :)

I didn't know that there are upgrade bundles, this is so beautiful... I downloaded the upgrade package for 7.1.7 to 7.1.8 and beautiful, in this bundle no configuration files were updated what if some will be in future updates? How can we update the configuration files in case we have made our own changes in them?


Thank you so much...

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Hi all,


For upgrade package, see here -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoofoo/fil...ion_officielle/


I have version 7.1.0.


I downloaded the upgrade packages - but how do I use them? Do I do this:


1. Extract the files from the zip file into a temporary folder

2. Copy them into my c:\uniserver folder and overwrite the file names already there?

3. Or is there an install program?


Please tell me how I can use the upgrade packages.

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I have version 7.1.0.


I downloaded the upgrade packages - but how do I use them? Do I do this:


1. Extract the files from the zip file into a temporary folder

2. Copy them into my c:\uniserver folder and overwrite the file names already there?

3. Or is there an install program?


Please tell me how I can use the upgrade packages.





First of all, you can not upgrade from 7.1.0 to the current version 7.1.8 directly but you have to upgrade stepwise, that means first from 7.1.0 to 7.1.1 and from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 and so on.


To upgrade from a version to an immediate higher one do as the following:


1- Backup your UniServer folder

2- Download the upgrade zip file to some temp. folder and extract it.

3- See if there are changes in configuration files, if you find some of these files in the unpacked package that means there are changes in the configuration files as well and leave these files intact for a while.

4- copy all the files and folders from the unpacked zip folder except the configuration files to your Uniserver folder and overwrite the existing ones.


Now back to Configuration files: I'm not very sure how to do with them, but for myself I will do the following:


1- You need a good file compare software, I recommend Beyond Compare.

2- compare a config. file from the unpacked zip folder with the corresponding one existing in UniServer folders, find out the changes in the new config file and transfer these changes to your existing config file.

3- repeat step 2 for other config files if there are many.




If you have never made changes to any of configuration files before then you do not need to compare any thing and just copy the configuration files to UniServer folder and overwrite the old ones...


Hope this explanation was helpful... Good luck



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Thanks for the information.


I am using Uniserver for WordPress only. Nothing fancy. I wonder if I can just copy the files from the old install to the new install?


Comparing the files it looks like I could just copy

a) my folders from www

B) The folders under User\local\mysql\data

c) The files in C:\UniServer\tmp



I just tried it and it seems to work!

Is this a reasonable thing to do, or am I going to have issues?



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Thanks for the information.


I am using Uniserver for WordPress only. Nothing fancy. I wonder if I can just copy the files from the old install to the new install?


Comparing the files it looks like I could just copy

a) my folders from www

B) The folders under User\local\mysql\data

c) The files in C:\UniServer\tmp

I just tried it and it seems to work!

Is this a reasonable thing to do, or am I going to have issues?




No, there will be no issues but: :)

1- Copy only your own folders which are your databases from the old \UniServer\usr\local\mysql\data to the new one and do not copy files and folders belonging to MySQL in that folder

2- Create your database user or users you had before manually with the same user name and password using phpMyadmin and grant all the privileges to them.

3- you do not need to copy sessions from your old tmp folder, they are the files begin with sess_


That is it, everything will be fine. B)


And good luck

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You're doing just fine with this procedure, so long as you keep the path the same.

but skip the (unneeded) \tmp stuff in step c), which is just session data.


Note that this works with most apps, but there are some that store location-specific in their databases. WordPress is one of those, but it can be resolved by using phpMyAdmin to fix the entries. Specifically, there are two path entries in wp_options that should be updated: siteurl and home.


Also, Jerod is right about the user info, since it's in another db.




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