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Plugins for US7.+ Orion


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I haven't been able to find any info online about plugin compatability with the new Uniserver Orion build(s).


Could someone clarify if the current plugins will install/execute properly with version 7.0.1/2?


As this is a combined Nano/Carbo build does this mean all application plugins available for Nano (eg. V56_Wordpress, etc) will work in Orion?


Thanks for all your hard work and a great product, almost certainly the best test server stack out there B)

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Running standard applications changes made between 5.6 and 7.0 series is transparent. Means current plugins will run on 7.0 series. B)


Perl is VC6, runs as CGI hence independent of Apache not a problem.

Plugin IDE contains VC9 php_xdebug-2.1.0-5.3 default is VC6 remember to change this to VC9 both included in download. :)

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Thank you for the quick responce :) delighted to hear apps still work... off to download now, well, as soon as I get the FTP server working B)


Running standard applications changes made between 5.6 and 7.0 series is transparent. Means current plugins will run on 7.0 series. :)


Perl is VC6, runs as CGI hence independent of Apache not a problem.

Plugin IDE contains VC9 php_xdebug-2.1.0-5.3 default is VC6 remember to change this to VC9 both included in download. :)

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