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New Problem (Please help)


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I need this for school. I can't do my homework if I don't get this working. I changed the port successfully to 500 (which is free). When I try to run apache a command prompt flashes up really fast and goes away. I checked error logs and it doesn't have anything useful. I'm not entirely sure what else I can do. MySQL is launching and running fine

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Let's go back to the starting point, and then use the built-in server change capabilities to move things. That way we can more easily isolate the problem.


Stop the servers and then access the server port change at the Unicon tray icon through ">Advanced>Move Servers multi-server operation". This fires off a command screen that prompts for verification of the changes; just accept all the suggested ports. Note that the tray icon changes to a 2. Then restart the servers. It's here that the firewall will flash up new blocks because the server ports have changed. Then after displaying the splash redirect screen, your browser should show http://localhost:81/index.php, the welcome page.


If this does the job for you, stop here.

Otherwise, take a look at the files that changed.

For Apache, http.conf has three changes at the lines noted:

124: Listen 81

1010: NameVirtualHost *:81


Similar lines are changed in ssl.conf for the secure server.

In addition, the \home\admin\www\redirect.html needs to have the link modified:


The other changes allow for unique names of the servers and Unicon.


Hope you follow that...



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