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Joomla and SEF 404 issues

David Green

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I have installed Uniform Server on my PC and have installed a packaged version of Joomla 1.5 from Rockettheme which includes a theme.


This has been running successfully for over a week.


I installed a joomla extension called AceSEF and followed the instructions which included turning on SEF and Use Apache mod_rewrite in the Global Config screen. I changed the name of the htaccess file to .htaccess as instructed.


AceSEF then reported an issue with the .htaccess file - but did not specify what.


In the fron end all the links other than the home page returned a 404 error.


Turning SEF off in global Config made the links work again.


To test this i have also uninstalled AceSEF and replace the htaccess file with a new version from a clean copy of Joomla.


The same issue persists - turning on SEF causes problems


Is this a limitation of using Uniform Server on a local host? or is there something else i need to do?


Please Note: I am not a programmer so will need instruction to be clear.


Thanks in advance for any help recieved

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First off, .htaccess files are essentially extensions of the Apache configuration file. They direct the server in how it should treat various requests, and what information it can return, among other things. So using UniServer is not related to that aspect of the problem.


That notwithstanding, the problem is directly related to what AceSEF is doing in relation to the contents of the .htaccess file. You WILL want to use it to control unauthorized access, but I'll caution you first that, even for programmers, the syntax is complex and somewhat difficult.


The one key you included that might help concerns the 404 error. Usually this pops up when a directory is unavailable, or the rewritten request string is faulty, which gives the same result: server can't find the info.


Look at the (Apache) access.log and error.log files for some additional clues. Without more details on your setup, it's hard to say just what may be the problem.



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