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php.ini misspelling in nano 5.71


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Just installed US nano 5.7.1 and found that the development version if php.in is spelled 'php.ini_delvelopment_nano'. (php.ini_development_nano???). :)

It's a minor point but if your batch file attempts to write to this file, or you use php to do file editing, it will fail unless the name is misspelled in both places...


UniformServer 5.x, CodeIgniter, Gimp. What else could anyone want?

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Anyhow, you know what it means ;-)


Just installed US nano 5.7.1 and found that the development version if php.in is spelled 'php.ini_delvelopment_nano'. (php.ini_development_nano???). :)

It's a minor point but if your batch file attempts to write to this file, or you use php to do file editing, it will fail unless the name is misspelled in both places...


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Hey! If you need to correct spellings there is no lack of communication.

It is a well-known fact it is impossible to check your own work for errors. :)


Thanks for pointing out the spelling error.


"It's a minor point but if your batch file attempts to write to this file, or you use php to do file editing, it will fail unless the name is misspelled in both places..."


Yep! Misspelling was perpetuated hence self-correcting in terms of functionality.

Interestingly while correcting the above spelling noticed a potential bug. :)


Anyone reading this post, may at first think your comment pedantic however detail is all-important? Most appreciated and highlighted a potential bug.


All the best

Ric :)

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Anyone reading this post, may at first think your comment pedantic however detail is all-important? Most appreciated and highlighted a potential bug.



Sorry about that, Ric. :)


I found this misspelling over a year ago, but never responded about it. It's really old, and goes way back to 5.0-Nano.


Next time, for sure!




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I've tried to locate the Aestan docs on their website but it seems to be "dated" information and not supported. I don't have the tools to recompile this very nice utility, so I am unable to make the changes in spelling needed to make it work with the corrected php.ini.delvelopment.nano filename.


Please let us know when this change is reflected in new unitray code. I'll then be able to change MY code to use the corrected filename (I'm doing some editing-on-the-fly of the php.ini file, which uses the two versions, production and developement.)


Thanks for your help on everything.

UniformServer 5.x, CodeIgniter, Gimp. What else could anyone want?

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If you want to correct the file name in tray menu there is no need to re-compile

Edit the tray menu configuration file:


and change the file name accordingly


“Please let us know when this change is reflected in new unitray code.”

New version release this weekend! :)


All the best

Ric :)

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