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Possible to Access it from another computer?


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Me and my friend live a country appart and our website is editted by using PhpMyAdmin, the problem is that he can't access it because I don't know what link I would give him since when I launch it from the admin panel, it's a localhost and such. Is there a way to give him a url like:


http://my ip address/phpmyadmin/

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Yes it is :(


Go to www.whatismyip.com and get you ip.


You may have to remove the .htaccess file in the W:/home/admin/www/ folder. Note that removing it will make your server unsafe/secure cause people will be able to enter the Admin Panel and mess with it


After getting your ip, go to http://your-ip/a/phpMyAdmin-address


A better choice is downloading and installing a new version of phpMyAdmin to the W:/www/ folder

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