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how to remove "W Drive" from "My Computer"


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Hi I was wondering how I could remove / "unmount" the "W Drive" after I'm done using Uniserver. Even if I stop all services and exit the Uniserver tray, I can still see the "W Drive" in "My Computer". Is there any way to remove or "unmount" the drive? Currently the only way I know is to reset the computer and that will successfully remove it, until the next use that is... but there must be an easier way to do it...


I'm using the latest version by the way (UniServer5_7_0).

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To explicitly release a drive letter (W).

First Stop Uniform Server

Enter the following command into a command window:

subst W: /D

Alternatively create a new batch file containing the above line.


All the best

Ric :)

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