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Windows Server 2008 R2


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Anyone have luck getting Unserver 6.0.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2


Have moved/setup our site to it on my WinXP, works fine, but when I move the files to Win2008 R2 32bit it start fine but and pages using MySQL error out and the log shows


[Mon Dec 06 12:37:09 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not (trying to connect via tcp://localhost:3306) in C:\\UniServer\\www\\apps\\functions.php on line 18, referer: http://localhost/about/


So I am not sure if it can not talk to the MySQL or if the variables are not being held?

I also see a number of errors with

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: s_username



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Gave it a try with 5.6.15 except for having a hard time finding the correct php_ldap.dll got everything working fine on WinXP SP3. Moved the whole thing to WIn2008 R2 and get the same error! phpMyAdmin works so MySQL is running and some part is connecting with PHP?





Does not work but



Does! Even made sure localhost was in hosts? Some Win2008 security thing on localhost? Another place to change IP's if needed but it is working!!



Anyone have luck getting Unserver 6.0.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2


Have moved/setup our site to it on my WinXP, works fine, but when I move the files to Win2008 R2 32bit it start fine but and pages using MySQL error out and the log shows


[Mon Dec 06 12:37:09 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not (trying to connect via tcp://localhost:3306) in C:\\UniServer\\www\\apps\\functions.php on line 18, referer: http://localhost/about/


So I am not sure if it can not talk to the MySQL or if the variables are not being held?

I also see a number of errors with

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: s_username



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The statement, "Even made sure localhost was in hosts", may remind a similar situation in Windows 7 where IPv6 stack is preferred over traditional IPv4, either uninstall the IPv6 stack if possible or make IPv4 your preference by registry tweak ...


As if Apache handles IPv6 well, but MySQL requires tweaking, you may search such tricks easily here ...


Gave it a try with 5.6.15 except for having a hard time finding the correct php_ldap.dll got everything working fine on WinXP SP3. Moved the whole thing to WIn2008 R2 and get the same error! phpMyAdmin works so MySQL is running and some part is connecting with PHP?





Does not work but



Does! Even made sure localhost was in hosts? Some Win2008 security thing on localhost? Another place to change IP's if needed but it is working!!

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