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Changing document root to link dir containing spaces crashes apache.


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In order to update virtual hosts, you need to reboot apache. After writing in a document root in /apanel/ containing a space apache won't start at all


Works: E:\ftpuser\www


Buggy: E:\ftp user\www




You need to edit UniServer\usr\local\apache2\conf\httpd.conf and edit the virtual host.

Open httpd.conf in a text document, scroll at the bottom, locate your virtual host.



##########VIRTUAL HOST SETUP##########
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName quest.znote.eu
DocumentRoot E:/quest www


You can see the dir:

DocumentRoot E:/quest www


Add the " symbol in the start and end of the dir, like this:

DocumentRoot "E:/quest www"


Save document, now start apache. It will work. :)

I am representing the open tibia community otland.net
otland.net is contributing open source server software to an 2d mmorpg game called Tibia.

Here are some Uniform server tutorials/guide contributions from me:
VIDEO TUTORIAL: I teach newbreeds to install and operate uniform server: (Updated for Coral 8.x)

Uniform Server newbie guide:
Securely installing Uniform Server for total newbeginners:
(also contains how to get our open source tibia game, and connect it successfully to the uniform mysql server).

How to add a website for our open source tibia game which includes highscore, create account and so on: (On uniform server)

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