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Updating Uniform Server 5.6 - this works for me

Simon McBucket

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See more than a few posts asking how to upgrade, and either no answer or cryptic answer.

I came here looking for the same thing, here's what works for me.

I am no expert, just checking out CMS systems for the odd site and a charity I do some work for.

If more educated readers than I spot some glaring error or mistake please correct it, just trying to help others who're struggling.


System - Windows 7 32 bit.



For the sake of this example (and matching my setup) Uniserver is located at




Make sure Uniserver is not running (of course)....


Rename old Uniserver folder, say "D:\Uniserver-old" - don't run it from that location or your paths will change in php.ini and mess things up.


Put new Uniserver folder in its place - D:\Uniserver


Copy <old-Uniserver-folder>\www folder from old to new - these are your sites


Copy <old-Uniserver-folder>\usr\local\mysql\data from old to new - these are the sql databases


Copy <old-Uniserver-folder>\usr\local\php\php.ini to new - has paths and .dll settings amongst other things. Make a backup copy of the file for good measure too, before or after copying.


(If you're running Drupal 7 alpha/beta check following in php.ini;


memory_limit = 40M (at least) and pdo.dll not commented out )




**** Keep a zip file of your old Uniserver folder in case anything is missing **** You should be backing up anyway right? :-)




Done this procedure twice now on v5.6 and everything has migrated successfully.




Hope it helps....

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Must just add, I just create all my "sites" directly in WWW folder in individual folders of their own and manually create the SQL db's in PHPMyAdmin before running the CMS installer - no fiddling with Apache or multi-domains.


You may need to copy \usr\local\apache2\conf\httpd.conf over too if you've had to edit it.

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  • 4 months later...

Must just add, I just create all my "sites" directly in WWW folder in individual folders of their own and manually create the SQL db's in PHPMyAdmin before running the CMS installer - no fiddling with Apache or multi-domains.


You may need to copy \usr\local\apache2\conf\httpd.conf over too if you've had to edit it.



Followed these instructions for upgrading from 5.6.13-Nano to 7.0.0-Orion. Backed up Nano first. So far, I haven't noticed any issues, but I haven't had time to test it thoroughly.

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Done this procedure twice now on v5.6 and everything has migrated successfully.

Hope it helps....


It sure does, Simon. Thank you for writing this up.


In general, your method is what I have been using for some years, and not only on UniServer. Obviously, if you have edited some of the vhost or other config info, it's "left as an exercise for the user" as to how to handle that. I would also add that you may want to do comparative update of php.ini, rather than copying the old one. It's just a feeling that there may be version updates reflected there that you'll lose otherwise.


The KEY thing to do is to KEEP NOTES on what you changed in the configs and server base (everything outside of www and mysql\data), so that when you want to change the "undercarriage," you'll know what needs inspection. I also keep a spreadsheet of the apps with parameters, account names and passwords. This is in case I need to do a reinstall or forgot how to access it.


The only problems I've had were with apps that weren't happy with the php version change. Other than that, everything moves across easily, just as you said.




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