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Virtual hosts won't work


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I had a working Apache2/PHP 5.3.0/MySQL setup on my desktop which I use for testing of websites I produce. Because PHP was aborting locally when handling running longer strings through preg_replace() when using a recursive pattern, but wasn't remotely on the production Linux box, I thought I'd try upgrading my local setup.


After looking around for another WAMP, I decided to try Uniform Server, and am impressed with its features. However, I can't seem to get my virtual hosts to work again. They all showed up under Admin Virtual Host, but each one ends up being but an alias for the default site http://localhost/.


I tried, then, adding an entry via Admin Virtual Host, and it got added to both hosts and httpd.conf. It shows up in the list of virtual hosts. But it still is only an alias for localhost.


That entry corresponds to a folder in Uniserve/www/. I've tried it with both a .com at the end of the folder name and without. I've tried it with all my other virtual host entries out of httpd.conf. I've tried it after checking the Apache configuration syntax. No go.


What could possibly be wrong?


The Uniform Server home page is loading, so Apache must be reading the correct httpd.conf file.

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I had a working Apache2/PHP 5.3.0/MySQL setup on my desktop which I use for testing of websites I produce. Because PHP was aborting locally when handling running longer strings through preg_replace() when using a recursive pattern, but wasn't remotely on the production Linux box, I thought I'd try upgrading my local setup.


After looking around for another WAMP, I decided to try Uniform Server, and am impressed with its features. However, I can't seem to get my virtual hosts to work again. They all showed up under Admin Virtual Host, but each one ends up being but an alias for the default site http://localhost/.


I tried, then, adding an entry via Admin Virtual Host, and it got added to both hosts and httpd.conf. It shows up in the list of virtual hosts. But it still is only an alias for localhost.


That entry corresponds to a folder in Uniserve/www/. I've tried it with both a .com at the end of the folder name and without. I've tried it with all my other virtual host entries out of httpd.conf. I've tried it after checking the Apache configuration syntax. No go.


What could possibly be wrong?


The Uniform Server home page is loading, so Apache must be reading the correct httpd.conf file.


I got it working. Suddenly, it seems, it started going to the right directory for the entry I added. My old entries then started producing errors Forbidden Access errors and another error, which went away when I added the proper directory-specific Options in the httpd.conf file.

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