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Restrict access to apanel but allow to phpmyadmin.


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Right now, it is like:


You enter phpmyadmin


But before you get to phpmyadmin, you have to authenticate yourself by writing the apanel username and password.


What if I want my users to access phpmyadmin without granting them access to apanel?


Perhaps a document needs some modification, but I am not a pro with these things.


dir to apanel (i think)




dir to phpmyadmin



I am representing the open tibia community otland.net
otland.net is contributing open source server software to an 2d mmorpg game called Tibia.

Here are some Uniform server tutorials/guide contributions from me:
VIDEO TUTORIAL: I teach newbreeds to install and operate uniform server: (Updated for Coral 8.x)

Uniform Server newbie guide:
Securely installing Uniform Server for total newbeginners:
(also contains how to get our open source tibia game, and connect it successfully to the uniform mysql server).

How to add a website for our open source tibia game which includes highscore, create account and so on: (On uniform server)

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I am not sure why you would want to give your users access to the MySQL server. :)

However its your server and you can do what you like. :angry:


First ensure you have changed the root MySQL password.

Create restricted users (see wiki)


Now file .htaacess protects the folder its in and all files and folders below it.

Hence you need to move phpMyAdmin and change Apache’s configuration file.


Move folder phpMyAdmin and all its content


To folder admin



Edit file httpd.conf(Note your paths will be different use them)


Just above this section

Alias /apanel "C:/Nano_5_6_11/UniServer/home/admin/www/"
<Directory "C:/Nano_5_6_11/UniServer/home/admin/www/">
 Options Indexes Includes
 AllowOverride All
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

Add this section

Alias /apanel/phpmyadmin  "C:/Nano_5_6_11/UniServer/home/admin/phpMyAdmin /"
<Directory "C:/Nano_5_6_11/UniServer/home/admin/phpMyAdmin /">
 Options Indexes Includes
 AllowOverride All
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

Download and extract a fully copy of phpMyAdmin

In folder phpMyAdmin-\phpMyAdmin-\contrib.

Open this file htaccess in a text editor


Now open file UniServer\home\admin\phpMyAdmin\.htaccess in a text editor and delete its content.

Copy the content of the above htaccess. At the top of this new content add the following lines:

AddHandler cgi-script .pl .cgi
Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks

That gives some protection when phpMyAdmin is on line.


Now you need to change the phpMyAdmin configuration file to authenticate to your restricted user.


Edit file:

UniServer\home\admin\phpMyAdmin\config.inc.php change the Authentication section to:

/* Authentication section */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']	   = 'cookie';  // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']			= '';	  // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']		= '';	  // MySQL password (only needed with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;   // Must use password

It forces your users to login.


There may be a few more tweaks however the above provides a starting point. :)


How did you get on with 6.0.1-Carbo?


All the best

Ric B)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you. Sorry for my slow response, I tend to get inactive, but I always come back! :)


I am selling/giveaway free services to users who are newbeginner when it comes to servers. They want to start building their own private server. I let them do that for free.

(If they by some reason have a shop system, then the deal is to share some for me, so I can pay for computer resources).


The users that I accept to host for, I give them FTP access to my server, and access to phpmyadmin. So they can build their website as they wish.

And yes, the root phpmyadmin user is secured by a so long password I cant remember it. :) I make an individual user to each person I deliver my services too, so they only have access to their own database.


The carbo releases are working good, my root is running 6.0.1 and my newer box 6.0.2


I have not tested 6.0.(1-2) with Vista OS yet. But when I checked with 6.0.0 it did not work properly.

I am representing the open tibia community otland.net
otland.net is contributing open source server software to an 2d mmorpg game called Tibia.

Here are some Uniform server tutorials/guide contributions from me:
VIDEO TUTORIAL: I teach newbreeds to install and operate uniform server: (Updated for Coral 8.x)

Uniform Server newbie guide:
Securely installing Uniform Server for total newbeginners:
(also contains how to get our open source tibia game, and connect it successfully to the uniform mysql server).

How to add a website for our open source tibia game which includes highscore, create account and so on: (On uniform server)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My previous post I say that my root is using Carbo 6.0.1, it was a typo.


My root is still using 6.0.0. This is my main server and I only update it once or twice a year at max. There are lots of stuff running on it.


Anyway, I just commited the phpmyadmin changes you gave me, and it works perfectly! Thank you! :)

I am representing the open tibia community otland.net
otland.net is contributing open source server software to an 2d mmorpg game called Tibia.

Here are some Uniform server tutorials/guide contributions from me:
VIDEO TUTORIAL: I teach newbreeds to install and operate uniform server: (Updated for Coral 8.x)

Uniform Server newbie guide:
Securely installing Uniform Server for total newbeginners:
(also contains how to get our open source tibia game, and connect it successfully to the uniform mysql server).

How to add a website for our open source tibia game which includes highscore, create account and so on: (On uniform server)

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