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I have been trying to get jpgraph working with Uniform Server 5.6.7-Nano. Has anyone had success in getting this to work? I am getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\UniServer\www\jpgraphphp5\jpg-config.inc.php on line 41. I worked through the installation file but cant get the ttf files to be recognized. Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: Invalid font filename in C:\UniServer\www\jpgraphphp5\Examples\checkttf.php on line 18

I am a complete newbie and would be extremely greatful if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,


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Thank you. I figured it out finally and it was all path related. I had followed the guide but did not see that I needed to change the location of the ttf directory in the checkttf.php as well. The checkttf.php worked well after doing that. When I ran the testsuite.php only 5 of the graphs loaded properly. This was all path related as well. I am unsure why these five had the path as ../ instead of the others having jpgraph/jpgraph but it really helped. Once all were modified to ../ all of the graphs displayed properly. Hopefully my questions will be more advanced in the future and thank you again for your response.

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