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Nano or Apollo


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I have Nano and getting ready to go live. I finally got everything working just the way I want it.


Question though? I have the Nano and not Apollo.


Looking at some going live instructions I see them all for Apollo...should I have used this version?


Also, where can I get the going live with Nano instructions if this is OK?



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Apollo was an earlier series of Uniform Server.

Nano is the current stable release.


To put your server on-line check out this page:



Also read this post:



All the best

Ric :)

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thanks for the reply.


hey, just as a question. I posted that I wanted to use US on Win Home Server and no responses. hmm...


Anyway i am going to try it.


do you know the exact file(s) I can add to run as a service in case these do not get added like the instructions indicate? I am pretty sure there are two files but want to make sure.

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Win Home Server never used it hence cannot offer any support.


“do you know the exact file(s) I can add to run as a service in case these do not get added like the instructions indicate?”


I am not sure what two files you are referring or instructions? Provide a link or text snippet.


If server status reports no problems right click UniTray and install as a service.


Which version of Nano are you using, latest version (5.6.7) incorporates bug fixes and security updates.


All the best

Ric :)

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