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New install - Apache crashes on loading webpage


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OK ... using Vista 32 - just installed Uniform Server - it appears to load the admin pages fine - I copied a working website to the "www" directory - on loading of url "http://localhost/" in my browser I get a message of "cannot display the webpage" from Internet Explorer.


On looking at Uniform Server I see that Apache is no longer running - I check the logs and see:


- [sun Jun 06 19:40:40 2010

- ] [notice] EACCELERATOR(7080): PHP crashed on opline 135 of main() at C:\UniServer\www\tngrobots.php:63


- [sun Jun 06 19:40:40 2010] [crit] Parent: child process exited with status 3 -- Aborting.



Assuming that C:\UniServer\www\tngrobots.php:63 refers to line 63 ... then it is in the middle of a large case statement:


//each "case" is the name of the script file without the ".php" at the end

if( $tngprint )

$flags[norobots] = $NOINOF;

else {

switch( $tngscript ) {

//no index, no follow

case "addnewacct":

case "ahnentafel":

case "anniversaries":



I'm lost in trying to fix this - Any ideas?

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