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A space was detected!

Álvaro G. Vicario

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This is what you get when you launch Start.exe from, e.g., you desktop:


Uniform Server V5-Nano series
Error: Unable to start UniTray! 

A space was detected in path to folder UniServer
Spaces are not allowed in folder names.

If possible please remove these spaces

Alternatively move servers to a new location
that does not contain spaces.


How do you write software in 2010 that breaks when a path contains a space? Even in MS-DOS command prompt, back in the 1980's, you could quote file names...

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This is an open source project feel free to rewrite code as appropriate it will be more than appreciated. :)


It’s very easy to be critical so if you are willing to pick a particular area please summit revised code. :)


All the best

Ric :)

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VertrigoServ was/is the same way if you installed to "Program Files" with the space you had problems.


The space thing is not a problem for me I just installed to C:\UniServer all is well..


Thanks for the latest update too

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This is an open source project feel free to rewrite code as appropriate it will be more than appreciated. :)


It’s very easy to be critical so if you are willing to pick a particular area please summit revised code. :)


All the best

Ric :)


I understand that. I realise that I sounded pretty harsh and it wasn't my intention. Sorry! I was basically curious about it. Is it due to some of the bundled third-party programs?

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