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Installing Wordpress


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Hello there,


I have been following a program to allow me to develop Wordpress themes on my desktop.


I've been given instruction to install uniform server which I have and was asked to install wordpress files in the www folder in uniform which I've done. I configured the wp-config php file.


I was told to to to http://localhost/wordpress to install wordpress and I keep getting a 404 not found. What am I doing wrong if anything? I've gone back over my steps a half dozen times to make sure I did them correctly and could have still missed something.


Now the person's that sold the program is referring everyone to this forum that are having difficulties. I would appreciate any feedback possible to help me move forward.


Thanks in advance



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It looks as if you have done every thing correctly


However to start the WordPress installation process type http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php


And not http://localhost/wordpress


Check out this Wiki page for details:


All the best

Ric :)

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It looks as if you have done every thing correctly


However to start the WordPress installation process type http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php


And not http://localhost/wordpress


Check out this Wiki page for details:


All the best

Ric :)


Thanks Ric this address http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php came up as an error for me too. I will look further into the Wiki Page. This kind of stuff drives me nuts :)... lol

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Yep! “This kind of stuff drives me nuts” I agree. :)


I have always found WordPress installs flawlessly with no hassle. :)


Just wondering if Apache’s error log provides any clues.


One thought I had being Vista try replacing


/** MySQL hostname */

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');



/** MySQL hostname */

define('DB_HOST', '');


All the best

Ric :)

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Yep! “This kind of stuff drives me nuts” I agree. :)


I have always found WordPress installs flawlessly with no hassle. :)


Just wondering if Apache’s error log provides any clues.


One thought I had being Vista try replacing


/** MySQL hostname */

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');



/** MySQL hostname */

define('DB_HOST', '');


All the best

Ric :)


Rats! Still haven't gotten it, but thanks for your help Ric!

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  • 4 months later...

Maybe the BEST thing is to be sure what we're talking about. Let's go back to basics.

404 errors happen because something doesn't exist where it's expected.


When you added wordpress, where did it go? Is it in C:\uniserver\www\wordpress\ or similar (where it should be)? Or is it somewhere else? If you have C:\uniserver\www\wordpress\wordpress\ that will get you a 404.


Secondly, you don't have to preconfigure the wp-config.php file. In fact, WordPress will do that for you. If WordPress is actually in the right place, and there isn't a wp-config.php, WordPress will prompt you with a script to create it.


My guess is that you have it in the wrong location.



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  • 5 years later...

Found error in Uniserver Zero 12_1_0 - php_curl must be started for Wordpress 4.4.2.


Msg to Uniserver team: Please change that in the default settings - Thank's. :)


It took three months for me to solve the problem of php_curl. :huh:
Got install WordPress US version instead of WordPress Swedish version, to get the right error message.

Error msg are "Download failed. There are no HTTP transports available which can complete the requested request."


In Swedish: "Nerladdning misslyckades. Det finns inga HTTP transporter tillgängliga som kan slutföra den efterfrågade begäran." and that sentence you will not find on Google.

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