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V56_UniServer_USB_1.0 bug with PAC?


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I followed the instructions installing on USB. Everything seems ok. The problem is somewhere around the PAC file. I installed joomla into a virtual host the root folder is accessed normally but some links are messed up. for ex. a link http://testjoomla/ is converted to http://testjoomlahttp/ . An http/ is added to the end of the file. If I remove the decleration from pac\my_hosts.pac and insert it into windows hosts file then everything works fine. The problem is at work that I can't modify hosts. I'm not sure if this is a problem of portable firefox.


any Ideas suggestions?


Thank anyway!


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I like to reproduce a problem! Hence this is my set-up:



1 Extracted UniServer5_6b.exe

2 Ran Server to check it works

3 Installed V56_UniServer_USB_1.0.exe

4 Created Virtual host jm.com in folder UniServer\www\joomlatest (Using Apanel)

5 Closed server

6 Extracted plugin V55_Joomla_1_5_15a.exe (note this was placed in folder UniServer)

7 Moved folder joomla contained in www to folder UniServer\www\joomlatest

8 Ran servers and typed in http://jm.com/joomla/

9 Checked links no issues found until I clicked the home link.


Yep you do get a double http:// :)

Two hours later and I have still not found the cause. :)


All the best

Ric :)

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I like to reproduce a problem! Hence this is my set-up:



1 Extracted UniServer5_6b.exe

2 Ran Server to check it works

3 Installed V56_UniServer_USB_1.0.exe

4 Created Virtual host jm.com in folder UniServer\www\joomlatest (Using Apanel)

5 Closed server

6 Extracted plugin V55_Joomla_1_5_15a.exe (note this was placed in folder UniServer)

7 Moved folder joomla contained in www to folder UniServer\www\joomlatest

8 Ran servers and typed in http://jm.com/joomla/

9 Checked links no issues found until I clicked the home link.


Yep you do get a double http:// :)

Two hours later and I have still not found the cause. :)


All the best

Ric :)


This is checked on Windows 7 and Windows XP


Here is what I did.

1 Extracted UniServer5_6b.exe

2 Ran Server to check it works

3 Installed V56_UniServer_USB_1.0.exe

4 I Create w: letter using subst like the old good days for the uniserver folder

5 Created Virtual joomlatest in folder w:\www\joomlatest (Using Apanel)

6 Created a db with phpmyadmin and I installed latest joomla following the proposed position

7 After installation finished I typed http://joomlatest site appears ok but the home link is http://joomlatesthttp/

8 edit manually hosts inserting joomlatest

9 remove option from firefox using my_hosts.pac (using default windows hosts)

10 Everything is fine.

11 Changing back to using my-hosts.pac

12 Problem is back



I go to the administrator panel. (http://testjoomla/administrator/)

make an error login then login ok. The url is: http://testjoomlahttp/administrator/index.php

and the output window says:


Not Found


The requested URL /administrator/index.php was not found on this server.


Further further more (after hours...)

Into my normal firefox installation i changed to use Automatic proxy configuration URL pointing to my_hosts.pac guess what THE SAME!


I tried Portable Firefox 3.5.8 no luck!


Thank you for your reply


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I do admit, this is driving me nuts. :)

Not sure where or what the failure mode is.

Relative links works.

Absolute links seem to have that extra http


Its not isolated to a particular application.

It is reproducible on different browsers.

Seems not to be an Apache issue.


Ya! That means I will keep looking at this issue.


Just wondering if any other users have any ideas?


All the best

Ric :)

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I do admit, this is driving me nuts. :)

Not sure where or what the failure mode is.

Relative links works.

Absolute links seem to have that extra http


Its not isolated to a particular application.

It is reproducible on different browsers.

Seems not to be an Apache issue.


Ya! That means I will keep looking at this issue.


Just wondering if any other users have any ideas?


All the best

Ric :)


After all this research I made it seems to be a firefox bug. There's must be something sending when requesting from Apache using the pac hosts. Do you think we can get help from firefox team?


Thanks once again


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A few steps down....


I made this simple script:

echo "<pre>";
print_r ($GLOBALS);
echo "</pre>";

and I found difference


Values into [REQUEST_URI] are different.

Using my_hosts.pac into [REQUEST_URI] is the full url while using widows hosts only the script name.


Keep on




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I found a quick solution so that I can keep on my job!


I inserted the following line:


into index.php and administrator\index.php


Everything works fine!


Keep on the good work!



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Tanks for posting a quick solution it will help others with a similar problem.


At the moment I don’t see a permanent solution other than adding your elegant solution. :)


All the best

Ric :)

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