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Uniform server on Windows 2003 64 bit


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I am quite interested in the Uniform Server and use it on a Windows XP 32 bit machine.


However due to requirement I am going to move my intranet site as well as all my applications to


A Windows 2003 64 bit server. So wondering if I can still use the same version of Uniform server on a 64 bit machine.




I need your suggestion and input to run it on a 64 bit machine.




Hoping to get a quick reply from you.

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I am quite interested in the Uniform Server and use it on a Windows XP 32 bit machine.


However due to requirement I am going to move my intranet site as well as all my applications to


A Windows 2003 64 bit server. So wondering if I can still use the same version of Uniform server on a 64 bit machine.




I need your suggestion and input to run it on a 64 bit machine.




Hoping to get a quick reply from you.



27 views but no answer. Common guys I need a confirm answer on this....Some one please help.........

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I have no experience of running US on Windows 2003 64 bit.

All US components are 32 bit and should run on a 64 bit machine


You can perform a quick test; download 5.6a run it as a standard program.

Should it fail! Nothing is installed hence just delete US folders.


All the best

Ric :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no experience of running US on Windows 2003 64 bit.

All US components are 32 bit and should run on a 64 bit machine


You can perform a quick test; download 5.6a run it as a standard program.

Should it fail! Nothing is installed hence just delete US folders.


All the best

Ric :)


Thanks for the reply Rick.

However I hv run into another problem now. Earlier I was using Wamp server and I was able to move my wordpress installation from one PC to another between WAMP servers. But now If I do taht I get 500 internal server errorwhile opening the site.


This is what I do:


1. I have US at home wher I want to hv Wordpress installed. I have US at work where Wordpress is running.

2. I copy the Wordpress folder to my Home US installation and import the DB to my home mysql server and when I go to localhost/wordpress I get 500 internal server error.


This has made me mad.....Please help me

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You have not stated US version you are using?

I will assume they are both the same.


Further I will assume you are using permalinks?


That last assumption is important because permalinks

will have created an .htaccess file. An error in this file

will result in a 500 internal server error.


Are you using Wordpress permalinks?

If so something in this file may be causing the problem.


All the best

Ric :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have not stated US version you are using?

I will assume they are both the same.


Further I will assume you are using permalinks?


That last assumption is important because permalinks

will have created an .htaccess file. An error in this file

will result in a 500 internal server error.


Are you using Wordpress permalinks?

If so something in this file may be causing the problem.


All the best

Ric :)



No I am not uisng Permalinks...

Moreover I hv had enough issues as of now...and hv not yet received a confirmation from developer or a perfect answer about my 64 bit quesry. So I am quitting the idea of uisng it for production on my 64 bit server. It seems the people behind the development of this are loosing interest.


I will be moving to Apachefriend's XAMPP.

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In all honesty its horses for courses!

Uniform Server and XAMPP provide alternatives. :)


To resolve problems, in general both teams require more detailed information. :)


Hey! No rant, wish you all the best.


Ric :)

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  • 2 months later...

I have noticed problems with connecting to the mySQL database on 64bit as well, tested on 4 different OS:

The problem only seem to occur when using the extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll


Windows XP 32bit: works fine

Windows Server 2003 32bit: works fine

Windows 7 64bit: does not work

Windows server 2008 64bit: does not work


I haven't had the chance to test it on a 2003 64bit system yet though.


Feel free to check my thread here:



I am not getting any replies to the thread and assume nobody has a solution for it yet. Considering thread has been open for quite some time and have hundreds of views.


Yes, developers seem to totally ignore the forum, even though they wrote: "get fast support in the forum". They seem to have misunderstood the meaning of that quote.


Ric is an exception though. Even though he have ignored bothering to contact me, he at least help some other people on the forum, I am grateful for that on their behalf. :angry:

I am representing the open tibia community otland.net
otland.net is contributing open source server software to an 2d mmorpg game called Tibia.

Here are some Uniform server tutorials/guide contributions from me:
VIDEO TUTORIAL: I teach newbreeds to install and operate uniform server: (Updated for Coral 8.x)

Uniform Server newbie guide:
Securely installing Uniform Server for total newbeginners:
(also contains how to get our open source tibia game, and connect it successfully to the uniform mysql server).

How to add a website for our open source tibia game which includes highscore, create account and so on: (On uniform server)

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