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[Feedback] Uniform Server as a live MySQL server


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I was having a lot of trouble with MySQL official setup. It was installed ok but when I opened their initial config software crashed a lot of times.


One week ago I have tried WampServer.com but it crashed in minutes of use. I read about and discovered it's not good as a production server.


So I found UniformServer yesterday. I installed on a Windows 2003 'dedicated' box where I have some software that I need 24 hours up. This server is a cloud with 2ghz and 2GB RAM.


I imported my 9GB MySQL database using and edited my.ini according to some tutorials I have read and done these modifications (indeed I cant remember if some lines was or not in default my.ini) and now I have this:



server-id = 1








table_cache= 64

table_open_cache = 64




I'm not using Apache but only MySQL server and performance is so great I can't believe, better than in old server that was managed by RackSpace. I have about 30k queries/hour and MySQL is consuming lass than 400ghz and 300MB RAM. It's great, don't?


I opened this post to share my experience only. But if you have some tip about optimize MySQL server please say me.


(My Windows 2003 box is a 2ghz and 2GB RAM)






Sorry for my bad English! If something is not clear please say and I try explain better ;)

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