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Apache Already Running


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I have installed UniServer3.2a on a WinMe system. Clicking Start.bat generates the following mesage:



One of the instances of Apache server is started. Use stop.bat


Using Norton's Utilities I can monitor the active processes. There is no Apache

running on the system. I verified that starting MySQL shows up in the active

process window.


From your other help messages, I checked that there are no php.ini or

libmysql.dll files on system other than in Uniserver folders and emptied all

temporary file folders. Finally, I did a search of the registry for Apache and

Mysql and found no extraneous listings.


The problem still exists. :(

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Yeah sorry about that. Its the process32 bug. It is suppose to only affect WinNT but somehow it also affects Win98, WinMe, Win95. the problem has been fixed for 3.3 :(


There is also a small patch in the SF Patch System that may help you.


Thanks again :D

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