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Cannot get rid of older session


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This is strange:

Running UniformServer - Apache2+PHP+MySql under WinXP.

I wrote a PHP maintenance task for MySql database which runs in an infinite loop.

I activated the task through a JavaScript embbeded in an HTML page.


Since then it is impossible to get rid of this session, and it just keeps running.

Tried so far:

1. Remove Z:\tmp\ses_* files

2. Remove folders under Z:\RECYCLER

3. Restart UniController

4. Restart WinXP


Any advice?





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Very strange! Have you tried clearing your browser cache?


All the best

Ric ;)

Unfortunately it is not related to a persistent JS. The process keeps running when the browser is closed and no entries are written into Apache2 access.log.

I'll keep investigating.





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Unfortunately it is not related to a persistent JS. The process keeps running when the browser is closed and no entries are written into Apache2 access.log.

I'll keep investigating.





Eventually I found out this was a mistake of mine.

Non issue.



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