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mysql server shuts down


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can someone help me figure out why my MySQL server stops all by itself? it does this quite frequently and i have to re-start it manually. It never did this before as i had run it as a seperate application, but now, using the uniform server, it shuts down by itself every day (on average), and i can't figure out what's wrong. thanks for any help!


Dan :(

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Do you have another MySQL Server Installed? Something might be killing it...




i uninstalled my old one.. i dont know why its doing this. everytime it does i turn on the monitor to my server and IE is open with a page that couldnt connect and the background (desktop) goes away and asks me if i want to restore my active desktop.. does that help?

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hmm.. maybe it left a junk file. Try searching your PC for LIBMYSQL.DLL


MySQL usually leaves it in the C:/Windows/ or C:/Windows/System32


Delete it if you find it.

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