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UniServer 5.6-Nano Beta 1


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UniServer 5.6-Nano Beta 1



- Disabled eAccelerator until PHP 5.3.2 repleased

- Updated PHP to 5.3.2RC1

- UniTray bug fix


This release of Uniform Server is purely to give all users a chance of running code with PHP 5.3.2RC1


My personal opinion! This version of PHP is a production candidate. Hence if applications throw errors when US is switched to development mode those issues need to be addressed and resolved.


That said if an application uses depreciated commands with no errors it is probably usable. Again a personal opinion; always test before deploying.



Download: UniServer 5.6-Nano


I think 2010 will be interesting I will be maintaining V4 and V5. My caretaker roll will be over and Olajide will return after a well-deserved break.


Hence I thank Olajide for allowing such an unrestrictive privilege.


All the best

Ric :)

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