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The Uniform Server Community

Uniform Server 5.4-Nano


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Uniform Server version 5.4-Nano released.


Specification and changes:

- Apache 2.2.14

- PHP updated to 5.3.1;

- MySQL updated to 5.1.41;

- phpMyAdmin updated to 3.2.3;

- eAccelerator - 0.9.6-rc1

- Updated Server to UTF-8 compatibility;

- Released language-pack plugins for 5.4

- Fixed phpMyAdmin gz double compression

- Fixed CLI ini load issue, added cmd switch to forces file load

- MySQL configuration file my.cnf renamed to my.ini

- MySQL configuration file additional file added medium_my.ini

- Updated all .htaccess files to use server root relative paths

- Added support for Webalizer - plugin!

- Minor bug fixes;


This release was made possible thanks to our Beta Team

Many thanks go to our translators for the language packs.


As always 5.4 is ready to run straight out of the box.






The Uniform Server Development Team :rolleyes:

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