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Nginx HTTP Server


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I've been talking to a couple of people at various data centers who have been talking about the Apache web server alternative nginx. Seems like a very good HTTP server. I wonder if Uniform Server could integrate this? I have not looked into this deeply myself yet, will probably require a bit research.


Have you heard about this one?



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Hi Kalpz,


I have heard of nginx and it is an excellent alternative to Apache.

“I wonder if Uniform Server could integrate this?”

It is possible to integrate this into Uniform Server’s architecture however in reality it would become a new project.


An alternative is to offer it as a plugin, unfortunately it’s not a one-to-one replacement and would require significant changes hence not a viable alternative.


Currently it is predominantly UNIX platform orientated although there are Windows binaries support for Windows is small. The last time I look at this the only way to run PHP was to use php-cgi.


“I have not looked into this deeply myself yet, will probably require a bit research.”

Yes! I tend to agree would require a great deal of research and testing. However that is no excuse, if you want to use it just be prepared to spend that time.


Although I only tested an old version it felt very stable.


All the best

Ric :rolleyes:

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That is while online using a public computer to check emails the usual message comes up that the Inbox has 2 new (unread) emails, yet when clicked on this it does not display Inbox as usual but a white page, stating… ‘HTTP 500 Internal Server problem Website can not display page?

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