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automatically start apache, mysql and cron on startup


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I've just upgraded from 4.3 to 5.3.


Using 4.3, I was able to launch both apache and mysql on startup by putting a link in the startup directory.


I was able to figure this out by using the files in the altrnative_control directory.


But is it possble to have apache, mysql and cron start up all at once? I realized that i could start cron just by addint a shortcut to start_cron.bat in the startup directory, but now there are error messages saying that apache and mysql are not enabled in config.inc.php... I had a look at the file but I'm not sure what to do with it...





p.s. thank you for the latest release of uniform server. the addition of cron makes things a lot easier, before I spent a lot of time kludging together a backup solution using 7zip and task scheduler... now I can change to backup machines without spending a lot of time on configurations...

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“But is it possible to have apache, mysql and cron start up all at once?”


Yes take a look at these pages:






Note: Do not change start cron.bat its purely for manually running Cron when testing.


Change the parameters in UniTray1.ini as explained above.


Alternatively if you are using the batch files

Change the parameter passed in both Start_Server.bat and Stop_Server.bat


The current binary codes are:

1  Apache   
2  Mysql   
4  Index page
8  MySQL Console   
16 Cron

Hence to run MySQL, Apache and Cron gives 1+2+16 = 19


P.S. Another place to look for information:

From Unitray click on Server Documentation and check out folder en


All the best

Ric :)

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Thanks! That was very useful.




“But is it possible to have apache, mysql and cron start up all at once?”


Yes take a look at these pages:






Note: Do not change start cron.bat its purely for manually running Cron when testing.


Change the parameters in UniTray1.ini as explained above.


Alternatively if you are using the batch files

Change the parameter passed in both Start_Server.bat and Stop_Server.bat


The current binary codes are:

1  Apache   
2  Mysql   
4  Index page
8  MySQL Console   
16 Cron

Hence to run MySQL, Apache and Cron gives 1+2+16 = 19


P.S. Another place to look for information:

From Unitray click on Server Documentation and check out folder en


All the best

Ric :)

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