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help needed by adjusting server_start so it also will stop


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Can someone help me with the following?


I am making a test pack with miniserver and ImpressCMS. It is based at the same server version that is used for Xoops miniserver (21).

When you hit server_start a CMD screen appears. It is saying that apache en mysql are starting, etc.

After the server has started the CMD screen remains up. It says push a button to proceed. When doing that the screen disappaers.

I want that when I push a button the screen does not disappear but that the server is sutting down. So the user does not have to use server_stop.

He can start and stop the server with just following the messages in the CMD screen after he used server_start.


I hope I made clear what I want. Your help is very welcome!!



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I assume this is the server you are referring to:



I think I understand the requirement!

If my understanding is correct this is a possible solution:


Edit file: server_start.bat

At the bottom of this page locate section:

rem ## Return to caller

Change it to the following:

call server_stop.bat
rem ## Return to caller

All the best

Ric :)

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