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Frontpage Extensions


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Can anyone help with getting frontpage extensions for uniform server running on windows 2003 server os

I know this is part of the server if I do IIS but I need to get it working inside of this uniform server so my clients can use Frontpage - I know all the usual comments about its old hat and lame ect but clients like it so I want to support it


any suggestions would be helpful

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This seriously is a dead duck!


Microsoft do not publish FrontPage server extensions for IIS any more!.


Bottom of this page: http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/frontpag...0743231033.aspx


“What happened to FrontPage?

After nine years of being an award-winning Web authoring tool, FrontPage will be discontinued in late 2006.”


Bottom line, would be wise to inform your users, at least provide them with the above link..


All the best

Ric :)

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