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Mona_5_1 php issue - apache hangs


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Hi, Mona_5_1 apache consistently hangs here on some pages. Typically it doesn't hang when the page is first displayed, but if I reload the page one or a few times, then it hangs. Other times it hangs if the page is POSTing a request. The steps to make it hang aren't 100% deterministic, but repeating page reloads eventually leads to hanging.


I replaced the entire php folder with the Mona_5_0 php folder (php 5.2.10) and there is no hanging whatsoever. Platform: Windows XP Pro SP3.

Could the Mona_5_1 php build be defective?


I'm going to further check my page php code for possible incompatibilities with php 5.3.0 - in the meantime if someone is experiencing similar problems, try php 5.2.10.

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I'm going to further check my page php code for possible incompatibilities with php 5.3.0 - in the meantime if someone is experiencing similar problems, try php 5.2.10.

I raised this issue on the PmWiki support list. The developers say that there is a problem with the PHP 5.3 crypt function, which seems to hang indefinitely when called with a "salt" parameter.

 $password = crypt('Some_pass'); # works
 $password = crypt('Some_pass', '*'); # hangs

This happens on Windows only, linux and mac leopard don't hang. This may suggest that updating Mona to php 5.3 may not work for a number of installations.

This issue is tracked and discussed at http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/01141.

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