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UniServer 4.4, 5.0 and 5.1


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The following servers have been released.

They address several requests regarding downgrading or upgrading PHP.

There are two versions of 5-Nano only difference is in the version of PHP.


New features (Added after beta 3):

- Server Status diagnostics: Displays server IP address as seen from Internet

- Server Status diagnostics: Attempts to connect to server using above IP

- DtDNS: Integrated support for DtDNS service. Small script that

automatically updates host-names with current IP address (Default disabled).


5.1-Nano Specification:

- Apache updated to 2.2.13;

- MySQL updated to 5.1.38;

- phpMyAdmin updated to 3.2.2-rc1;

- PHP updated to 5.3.0;

- ActivePerl updated to 5,10,0,1005 Plugin;

- ActivePerl updated to 5,10,0,1006 Plugin;

- Integrated UniTray;

- eAccelerator - 0.9.6-rc1

- Major Architecture change;


5.0-Nano Specification:

- Apache updated to 2.2.13;

- MySQL updated to 5.1.38;

- phpMyAdmin updated to 3.2.2-rc1;

- PHP updated to 5.2.10;

- ActivePerl updated to 5,10,0,1005 Plugin;

- ActivePerl updated to 5,10,0,1006 Plugin;

- Integrated UniTray;

- eAccelerator - 0953_5.2.10;

- Major Architecture change;



The Mona series remains popular 4.3 intended to be the last in this series.

However there have been several requests for a PHP upgrade, we do listen

and have taken the opportunity to include other main component updates.

Specification changes:

- Apache updated to 2.2.13;

- MySQL updated to 5.1.38;

- phpMyAdmin updated to 3.2.2-rc1;

- PHP updated to 5.3.0;

- eAccelerator updated to 0.9.6-rc1


Pugins for 5-Nano:

V5.0_AWStats_2.0 – Does not include Perl install one of the following first:

V5.0_mini_perl - Activestate Perl version

V5.0_full_perl - Activestate Perl version

V5.1_mini_perl - Activestate Perl version

V5.1_full_perl - Activestate Perl version





Wiki Support:

Note: 5-Nano contains two new tutorials DtDNS and cURL






The Uniform Server Development Team :)

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