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Running Joomla from a Lan with Uniform Server


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Hi all


I am just starting with Joomla and Uniform Server and really need some help. Everything runs fine in local host with beta version and newest joomla. I have also tried version 4.3 of Universal server. I nave tried changing the configuration.php file in my joomla directory and have commented out in the Htaccess file. I have searched for a couple of days trying to make this work. Even though I would think this would be a common thing to do (let folks work on parts of a web page) the information is very scattered. I am on a home network using Windows Workgroups.


Having used Frontpage for awhile I am excited by what I see in Joomla but really need to be able to work on this website from other computers.


I have read every post I can find on this and other forums. Thanks for you help.



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Hi jgolf, :)


Are you saying that you want to access this from another computer - Local? :)


No need to change the configuration.php file in Joomla


In the Root folder WWW Just change the htacess file from Deny Access From All to Allow Access From All or delete this file


Then go to your other computer open up your browser and type in http://the_ip_address_of_your_server/


That’s it – no need to change any files in Joomla


Danny :)

Personal website


Uniform Server - hMail Server - Joomla

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That is exactly what I need to do. I have tried modifying the htacess file. When I did this I could see the front end and backend of Joomla on other machines but parts of it were missing. When I tried to log into the backend the "IE can't display this page" message came up.


Any ideas why this might happen?


If you need some screen shots I will post them.


Thanks for the reply



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Try this and let me know :)


Personally I would remove everything out of the WWW Make a copy first


Make sure WWW is empty


Unzip Joomla inside WWW


Setup another database in PHPMyAdmin


Go to the other computer you want to control this from


Type in the ip address of the server http://192168.1.3 or wherever uniserver is installed


Setup and install Joomla from that machine – install sample data for testing


Leave all the default settings alone and try that



Just a thought are you trying to connect to the server using a Domain name or IP address?



Personal website


Uniform Server - hMail Server - Joomla

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Strange if its working locally and you have enabled external access in .htaccess your server should be accessible.


On the machine running Joomla

Run a command prompt and type ipconfig /all


Look for Host Name e.g fred123 this should be unique for each machine.

Alternatively look for IP Address e.g


On other machines now try the following:


Type the following into a browser http://fred123/joomla/


Type the following into a browser


Oops that is what Danny said :)


All the best

Ric :)

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