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US 5.0 Nano WORKS!


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Just a thank you to the Uniform Server Team for V5.0 Nano Beta.


I'm running Windows XP sp3 on a 10Gb laptop 900mhz processor with only 256Mb ram.


I've downloaded and installed 5.0 AND configured/copied my entire site development configuration in under 10 minutes! Compared to two days when I moved from V3.5 to 4.3. The MySQL data worked without modification moving from 4.3 Mona to 5.0 Beta, so this was a major time saver.


I like the new layout and have only one suggestion at this point:


When I UN-installed the services, I get no feedback on either the process or its completion status. It worked, but I didn't KNOW that until I used task manager to check for any remaining processes. Give me a popup with uninstall process feedback please, or at least a message telling me the uninstall is finished.


I'll have more info as I continue to test this version.

Thanks again


UniformServer 5.x, CodeIgniter, Gimp. What else could anyone want?

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"When I UN-installed the services, I get no feedback on either the process or its completion status. It worked, but I didn't KNOW that until I used task manager to check for any remaining processes. Give me a popup with uninstall process feedback please, or at least a message telling me the uninstall is finished."


OK You have two choices either run the batch files in UniServer\alternative_control



Edit file UniServer\unicon\tray_menu\UniTray1.ini


Find the menu option you wish to be visible and remove ShowCmd: hidden;


Note: If you move the servers as in multi-servers UniTray1.ini digit will increment.


All the best

Ric :)

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