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I can't log in


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Hi guys,


I need your help. I've just registred Epi and very beginner.


Last Friday I registered and today I'm trying to log in many times but never got through...

I thought my password is not correct so clicked 'send me password to my email ad'

then the message appeared and said my password has been sent to my email adr which

I I registered....HOwever I haven't received the email.....humm why?


I have no ways to log in........Please give me suggestions. :)




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I do not understand the question come to that what is EPI. :)


OK not a very good start! You state:

I've just registred Epi

do you mean installed it on Uniserver?


I thought my password is not correct so clicked 'send me password to my email ad'

then the message appeared and said my password has been sent to my email adr which I registered....HOwever I haven't received the email.....humm why?

If you have installed an application on UniServer and that software accepted your post (email). Then the above is not entirely unexpected.


This page explains why:




Perhaps I have got the wrong end of the stick, if so provide a little more information.


All the best

Ric :D

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