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PHP4 with CURL?


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I want to use my installation of Uniform Server 3.2 with my ADSL connection and the service of StacticDNS of DynDNS.com, for serve scripts in PHP4 (I've installed PHP4 plug-in).


But this scripts need to have PHP4 with CULR enabled, I see in PHPinfo and I not view signs of CURL.


Please, how I can install CURL and enable this for PHP4 in Uniform Server 3.2 ?


Thank you very much in advance!


*excuse me by my bad english*

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If you pick up the PHP4 package (same version you're using) from php.net -

http://dk2.php.net/get/php-4.3.11-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror -

and in this file, find


and copy this to your


folder, you'll have curl available in PHP AFAIK.


Last step is enabling it in php.ini - just find the line


in W:\usr\local\Php\php.ini and remove the leading ; (comment-tag).

Restart Apache, and curl should work. I hope.


:P And version # fixed to 4.3.11 Olajide

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Thanks by your help!


But to obtain that it works I had to copy two archives associated to php_curl.dll, these come in PHP's package: ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll


According to install.txt (inside of php-4.3.11-Win32.zip), these two archives must be copied in two places:




After this, CURL appears like activated in PHPinfo.

Now, I hope that it works without problems :P


Again, thank you very much.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm a really unexperienced and uninformed user so excuse me if I'm overlooking something obvious.

I come from the Flash community and trying to run amfphp but I need curl to do so.

I'm on Uniform Server 3.3 with PHP 5.1.1

I have tried the previous method but I get the following message:

"Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/PHP/extensions\php_curl.dll" although the file is in that path.

I suppose this is because the file comes from PHP 4.3.11

Do I need to downgrade to PHP4 for CURL to work?


Much thanks

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Hi, AlleyKat.


Can you expand a bit on how to get curl running with the latest Uniform Server (PHP 5.1.1) please?


I downloaded the archive you specified but it didn't contain any curl-related fies that I could see.



No, find CURL for php5:



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Download PHP 5.1.1 from here: http://www.php.net/releases.php and find the extention in there. Make sure i got the version right.


Direct Link: http://www.php.net/get/php-5.1.1-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror or ifnot in that one, try http://www.php.net/get/pecl-5.1.1-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror



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