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pskill - just a note about it


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It’s difficult to find the lowest common denominator.


Across all Windows OS’es its either a name change or that utility is removed.


Hence the beta team do a grate job (I have had to revert some of my code I thought cleaver and hey! Brilliant but very impractical because its was not practical across all platforms). :D


Try that (taskkill.exe) on XP-Home and well! :)


I think pskill.exe at 44K is a neat little utility written by ipan, it’s stood the test of time and still works across all OS’es.


All the best

Ric :)

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it is. i am using the ps tools for quite a while allready, love em.


sure, the dev team has done a very great job. coding all that. i was just wondering. and asking. (realized it, when pstools like pskill didnt run on a bunch of machines, security guidelines prevented non-ms files (those outside of Program Files and windows) to run.


you are serious about XP Home not having taskkill? shame on M$... leaves me speechless....


because all other NT based OSes (since Win2000) have taskkill for sure (even Vista...)...


what do you mean by across platforms..? is uniserver supposed to be used by anything else then M$ OSes?

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