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A wet Easter


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Well in England it looks like being a wet Easter I suppose you could while your time away with a video game or watch a few DVDs'.


There is this alternative! Try the Power example on this page:




It’s guaranteed not to improve the weather however I do see blood running down walls when you cannot remember the ports you used.


All the best

Ric :)


PS if its wet I will revisit FileZila FTPd :D

Should it be fine and sunny will be revisiting an extremely nice place by the river, Houghton Mill worth a visit :)

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I run two independent Uniform Servers, my Wiki is on a stick, and to prevent clashes I moved this server to different ports using the plugin. This means I can write to the Wiki while running a test server.


I have two of those little Uniform Server tray icons; my problem is which one relates to the Wiki and which one is for the test server.


OK, I was hacked off when I lost a Wiki page; closed the wrong server before saving the Wiki page. :D


Solution is simple both Apanel and UniController picks-up the version from a file.


Changed this to display Wiki and Test for the appropriate server.


The file to edit is: Uniform Server\udrive\home\admin\www\includes\.version


I see no one had a wet Easter! No feedback on running independent servers on Windows.


All the best

Ric :)

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it was about 25 - 27 °C around here... about the hottest temperatures around europe in mid-germany.


"Very sunny, no drop of rain... searching eggs was a pain..." TM


Driving over to my moms the last days, in the burning sun, on motorbike... damn...


wish it had rained...



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