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magento installerror


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I try to install magento on uniserver.


So far I'm now:

- I changed my.cnf to add Innodb.

- I added an empty magento database with phpmyadmin.

- At php.ini the extensions


extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll are added.

the dll was copied to extensions.

- in http.conf

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so


That are the necessary changes to install magento I think.


At the setup.php I'm at the point where everything should be installed.

But then apache is shut down and I find the following in the apache log:


[sun Apr 05 02:36:25 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.2.9-1 DAV/2 configured -- resuming normal operations

[sun Apr 05 02:36:25 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06

[sun Apr 05 02:36:25 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3244

[sun Apr 05 02:36:26 2009] [notice] Child 3244: Child process is running

[sun Apr 05 02:36:26 2009] [notice] Child 3244: Acquired the start mutex.

[sun Apr 05 02:36:26 2009] [notice] Child 3244: Starting 250 worker threads.

[sun Apr 05 02:36:26 2009] [notice] Child 3244: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

[3244] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 6 of execute() at Z:\www\magento\lib\Zend\Db\Statement\Pdo.php:232


[sun Apr 05 02:37:06 2009] [crit] Parent: child process exited with status 3 -- Aborting.



If I try to comment EACCELERATOR in php.ini i get a read-error.



Hopefully someone can help.

Thanks a lot for this nice server and excuse my bad english.


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Try the following:

1] Enable Innodb

Edit file: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\mysql\my.cnf

Comment this line as shown (enables Innodb):


2] Enable modules in php.ini

Edit file: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php\php.ini

The first line is already enabled; add the second line as shown



3] Enable mod_rewrite

Edit file: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\apache2\conf\httpd.conf

Remove the hash (#) as shown for this line:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

4] Add missing php extentions

Download php-5.2.9-1-Win32.zip from http://php.net/

Save and extract to any folder

Copy file: php-5.2.9-1-Win32\ext\php_pdo_mysql.dll

To folder: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php\extensions

Copy file: php-5.2.9-1-Win32\ext\php_pdo_sqlite.dll

To folder: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php\extensions

Copy file: php-5.2.9-1-Win32\libmysql.dll

To folder: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php

5] .htaccess

You need to add the following +FollowSymLinks for mod_rewrite to write new urls:

Edit file: UniServer\udrive\www\.htaccess

Add to line as shown: Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks

6] Restart the servers and install magento


All the best

Ric :unsure:

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Save and extract to any folder

Copy file: php-5.2.9-1-Win32\ext\php_pdo_mysql.dll

To folder: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php\extensions

Copy file: php-5.2.9-1-Win32\ext\php_pdo_sqlite.dll

To folder: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php\extensions

Copy file: php-5.2.9-1-Win32\libmysql.dll

To folder: UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php

5] .htaccess

You need to add the following +FollowSymLinks for mod_rewrite to write new urls:

Edit file: UniServer\udrive\www\.htaccess

Add to line as shown: Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks

6] Restart the servers and install magento


All the best

Ric :unsure:


Wow...That was it!


Thanks a lot !

:) haichen

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  • 3 years later...

Wow...That was it!


Thanks a lot !

:) haichen



Hmm. Also need to change the:


max_execution_time = 30


to max_execution_time = 300


in php.ini or the Magento installation will fail before it finishes. In a horrible dramatic unresolvable manner requiring you to start again from scratch.




Also, most of the instructions above no longer apply to latest UniServer 8.6.6 version.

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