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The Uniform Server Community

Coder wanted.


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- php

- (javascript)

- c#, ...

- dos batch

- optionally: autoIT



I am coding and planning a few usefull additions, but have no time to type it all down.

Most stuff is defined and needs to be coded (all research done).



- Admin Panel improvements

- replacement of helper scripts, turning them into php (batch, php)

- plugins for the server with administration pages (php)

- plugin manager (php, js)

- uniCommander ( a better UniController replacement, also replaceing uniserv ) <- c#

- and more (c# and autoit required)



http://bananaacid.de.vu/?uniserver and here



stop, i cant code in ...

- well, if you have a generall knowledge about a specific language / or outdated like c++ (unmanaged) and still wish to get involved, i will help you get started.


join now, the code wants YOU!

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