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Can Uniform Server run on windows server 2003?


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I need to port my installation from windows XP workstation to a widows 2003 server (new machine).

I have copied the instalation across but cant raise the apanel on localhost.

I have started the server, but need to start MySql.

Is there a guide as to setting up on a windows server please?

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Mona was tested on 2003 and works fine. However being a new machine its possible the problem is a missing run time library msvcr71.dll


Check the Apache log file it may provide a pointer to the issue also check msvcr71.dll is on a system path.


All the best

Ric :unsure:

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Mona was tested on 2003 and works fine. However being a new machine its possible the problem is a missing run time library msvcr71.dll


Check the Apache log file it may provide a pointer to the issue also check msvcr71.dll is on a system path.


All the best

Ric :unsure:


Thanks. will do. do i need to turn off IIS?

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only if both use the same port. that is by default port 80. so IIS should be turned off or any one (apache / iis) configured to use another port.


in iis it should be straight forward, for apache use the uniservers admin panel (i think)



answered for completeness.

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only if both use the same port. that is by default port 80. so IIS should be turned off or any one (apache / iis) configured to use another port.


in iis it should be straight forward, for apache use the uniservers admin panel (i think)

answered for completeness.


Thanks. Turned off IIS and all is well.

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it is part of the .NET 1.1 framework ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326922 ) get either install the framework to avoid similar problems or download the dll from




i couldn't find it in my Mona installation. but since i have the .NET 1.1 Framework installed, no trouble (at least at one of my machines)


anyways, every1 should have .NET 1.1 up to 3.5, even on winME/win2000 machines.

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hawkesley, please DO NOT download any DLL whatsoever. The dll is already included in the Uniform Server.


If you run into any problems, kinda come here for support and we will help you out.



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EDITED: is nonsense. ignore that post (left for understanding followups)





if you have that msvcr71.dll missing and you are using Mona, upgrade your server if you can (thats what olajideolaolorun is refering to in "I even believe we added the msvcr71.dll file to the server, Mona." -> 4.1).


Mona 4.0 (missing that dll) to Mona 4.1 (having it included)


Forum: Uniform Server 4.1-Mona, 4.1-Mona Released

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Oops! I think when I posted must have been suffering the Dory syndrome (2003 Disney Pixar film Finding Nemo). :unsure:


The dll is included in both Mona versions. Can be found in apache2\bin, Apache looks in bin first and picks-up the file hence not an issue.


All the best

Ric :)

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i am sorry, u guys are right.


previously donloaded UniServer4_0.zip from sf.net.


redownloaded to compare contents and its file length is the same but the files list is different. it does contain more dlls. but internal modification date is the same.


i guess it messed up the header while downloading.


let me officially appologize for me getting so into this without double checking. please delete my posts as the are of no use. (and are quite emberassing from my point of view...)

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