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I'm puzzled by something...


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I am very impressed with Uniserver's compact size and portability but puzzled at how it apparently manages to fit all the different servers/components into such a lightweight package. For example...


Apache 2.2.11 - 4.56 MB

MySQL 5.0.77 - 56.1M

PHP 5.2.8 - 10.1M

ActivePerl 5.10 - 17.0MB




And yet the UniServer is only 8.78 MB in size.


So what's missing?. I mean, everything works great and I recently test-ran 4 production sites off a static IP on a commercial account the other day and everything worked beyond my wildest expectations but are the servers/components provided (ie; apache, MySQL, Perl, PHP) "abreviated" versions and if not, how do you fit nearly 100MB into an 8.78MB UniSerever package?


Also, is there a site where I can download extra Apache, PHP and Perl modules/plugins?.


Thanks so much and congrats on an EXCELLENT server! :)


- Jaybird

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The answer you are seeking is best explained by the mini-server series, they take reduction to its limit you can find information on the Wiki.


Essentially the main components are designed to offer maximum flexibility catering for a very wide community this diversity along with included documentation makes for very large packages.


Uniform Server’s design team strips out all but the most commonly used modules (a painful process) hence a large reduction in size.


In very rare cases you may require a module that’s not included hence the reason for the support page on the Wiki. This provides information where and how to obtain any missing modules.


All the best

Ric :)

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Thanks for the good info...bookmarked! :)


The answer you are seeking is best explained by the mini-server series, they take reduction to its limit you can find information on the Wiki.


Essentially the main components are designed to offer maximum flexibility catering for a very wide community this diversity along with included documentation makes for very large packages.


Uniform Server’s design team strips out all but the most commonly used modules (a painful process) hence a large reduction in size.


In very rare cases you may require a module that’s not included hence the reason for the support page on the Wiki. This provides information where and how to obtain any missing modules.


All the best

Ric :)

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