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Running UniServer from USB / Flash drive


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Hi, thanks for the Mona-4.0 release! Wrote a little blurb here about it.


As usual, an uncanny fast "installation" with great performance. On my desktop it works like a charm.


However, I have a very small laptop (an Asus Eee PC 4G running a trimmed XP Home) which doesn't have a harddrive, but solid-state 4GB SRAM instead, so I'm using an SD card as the "external" hard drive. Now, when I fire up UniServer from that SD card, it won't assign a drive letter... I tried the start_bat, the UniController... Nada.


Any pointers to get my ultra-portable web server going on the road? :)

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I am not sure what is missing in a trimmed XP home there may be some basic elements that will prevent it running.


From your post since you are expecting a virtual drive letter to be created you have a “Basic” install of Mona.


Try installing as “Disk-root” that is copy everything in folder “udrive” to the top-level of your SD-card. Finally copy Unicontroller from folder UniServer again to the top-level of SD-card.


Mona will run from the drive letter assigned to the SD-card it does not create a virtual drive.


Check out the Wiki for details of install options.


All the best

Ric :)

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Uh... What's missing is my brain. I was so dumb to pump over an existing server...




After reinstalling a fresh Mona, I could start just like any standard Basic server.


Awesome: a little ultraportable Uniform Server out there with a fully equipped site running on it!


Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction. :-)

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