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Windows XP VM


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OK so iv searched for about an hour now with no luck.

I have a WIN XP VM trying to run uniform server 3.5, every time i try to start it try to launch the apanel but all i get is:


Server Error in '' Application.


HTTP Error 404 - Not Found.


Version Information: Autodesk EDM Web Server


I have no clue about this Autodesk EDM web server, i do have autodesk products on my VM but i can not find any info on my machine or on the web about this Autodesk EDM Web Server so i can find out how to stop it so just thought somebody mite be able to point me in the right direction.



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EDM Web Server correctly responds with a 404 error since it cannot find the Apanel page.


US will not start because there is a conflict with port 80. Looks like EDM Web Server has grabbed the port. To do this EDM must have started as a service.


You have two options:

a] Stop EDM Web Server service:


Open a command prompt and type:


NET STOP "Autodesk EDM Server"


You can re-start it using

NET START "Autodesk EDM Server"


With the service stopped try running US.


Note: I am guessing at the service name "Autodesk EDM Server"


Check the name using:

Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services

Scan down the list you are looking for something with “EDM Server” in the name

Note: You can stop the service from this tool, right click on service name and select stop.


b] Move US server port


Check out these pages to move US to another port :


Change UniServer Listening Port




All the best

Ric :)

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